Here's new footage of Ecliptor. 
Here's footage of Darkonda, Quantrons and Ecliptor. 
Here's new footage of Darkonda. 
Here's new footage of Darkonda and Ecliptor with Quantrons in the shot.

Here's another new shot of Darkonda. 
Here's Elgar and Astronema. 
Here's a shot of Astronema. 
Here's a shot of Ecliptor and Astronema. 
Here's new footage of Darkonda.

Here's new footage of the Blue and Red Rangers. 
Here's new footage of the Blue and Red Rangers and their 2 Galaxy
Here's Astronema and Darkonda. 
Here are the Astro Blasters. 
Here's new footage of the Barillian Bug however this particular one is
the one that Carlos was turned into so he's currently in the Megaship's
Engine Room in this shot. 
Here's another shot of the Barillian Bug that is Carlos. 
This shot
is when it's
footage on KO-35.
Here's new footage of Blue and Red Rangers on KO-35. 
This shot of the Red Ranger is when the Sentai footage starts up. 
This shot of the Red Ranger is when the new footage starts back up. 
Here's new footage of an actual Barillian Bug Monster. 
Darkonda firing his growth beam at Barillian Bug is new footage however
the actual shot of Barillian Bug enlarging is Sentai footage.
The shot of the 5 Rangers calling for Astro Megazord power is new.
All of the Giant footage is Sentai footage.
Following info comes from Mega 19.
Here's Darkonda.
Here's Barillian Bug. 
Here's another shot of Darkonda. 
Here's a shot of Darkonda's Sword. 
Here's another shot of Darkonda.
Here's a shot of the Battlizer being worn by the Red Ranger. 
Here's a shot of the opened up Battlizer. 
Here's a shot of Red Ranger's right hand being powered up due to
pressing the "1" button on his Battlizer. 
Here's a shot of the Barillian Bug being hit by the Red Ranger's
Battlizer Punch. 
Barillian Bug got defeated by Red Ranger's Battlizer Punch and
Battlizer Chop attacks.
Here's Giant Barillian Bug. 
I missed including this shot in-order while I was pre-typing this
documnent out but here's a close-up shot of the closed Battlizer.